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Erin Yew | #CCIWD2022 Showcase

Erin Yew, Graphic Designer of Stand Up Malaysia (@standupmy) and Full-time Law Student

When did your journey as a creative begin?

My creative journey began the moment I scribbled on the walls as a toddler. I have not stopped drawing since then.

I decided that I wanted to venture into the creative field professionally when I bought my first drawing tablet (Wacom Intuos Art which I still use sometimes :)). I wanted to learn digital art so that I could sell anime merchandise. Since then, I was open to more opportunities after experimenting with different software.

How would you describe your creative process?

Mostly, go with the flow. I try to give or have as much creative freedom as possible.

If there's something you noticed women creatives doing how would you advise them?

I’d say that we need to overcome the lack of confidence we have in ourselves. Oftentimes we might doubt the value of whatever we create when others try to haggle for lower rates during the process of fees negotiation. The acceptance of atrocious offers as a way to scavenge for the little self-validation comes with the pressure to be nice. We need to trust our capabilities and try to not give in so easily. We can’t be people-pleasers all the time.

Oftentimes we might doubt the value of whatever we create when others try to haggle for lower rates during the process of fees negotiation.

What is your life ethos and how does it relate to your creative journey?

I love this quote I found on Tumblr when I was an edgy 14-year-old: “Don’t let it consume you.” I find this applies to all circumstances, good and bad. Project went well? Don't get too ahead of yourself and still spend some time to reflect. Project went terrible? Don't blame yourself too much as it's already over.

What was the most significant/impactful project for you thus far — why?

For this, it has to be Inside: Women Newsbites. It’s a newsletter that compiles gender-based violence cases happening to women throughout the month. It’s rather eye-opening to see the abundance of cases happening put together in a single month. It also features notable achievements by women to provide some sort of balance – despite all the injustice and violence women still face at this time, there are some good things that happen. I also really love working with Joanne for this :) So proud of the aesthetic!

What is your favourite and least favourite part of your current role?

Favourite part: The creative freedom, people and comforting environment during meetings! Least favourite part: Have yet to do anything physically with Stand Up.


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